Sailing Toward Sustainability: Hudson’s Clean&Green™ Success with RightShip

Over 11 years ago, Hudson, in tandem with RightShip, proudly boasted Hudson’s fleet efficiency with more than 50% of Hudson’s fleet achieving an average Existing Vessel Design Index (EVDIä) rating of “C” and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Ratings of A, B, or C. Today, those numbers are even higher!
Back then, Hudson recognized the importance of “regularly review[ing] the vessels we have on charter and proactively look[ing] to develop opportunities with owners who have an upgraded and efficient fleet of vessels to charter”. As a result, significant strides have been made since the initial Hudson and RightShip report.

Now, 100% of Hudson’s HSL Series fleet achieves above average RightShip Safety Scores and touts “C+” or higher GHG ratings with closer to 90% achieving A+ and B+ ratings. Though small in appearance, the added “+” further emphasizes Hudson’s proactive approach to ensuring the latest energy efficiencies are aboard all HSL Series vessels and denotes a great impact on energy savings.
Looking to the future, Hudson continues to innovate and collaborate with ship owners and ship builders to implement the latest technologies on HSL Series newbuilds. Alongside Hudson’s HSL Handymax Prototype, expected to arrive in Q1 2025, Hudson has at least two more ultra-modern newbuild vessels lined up for Q4 2024 and 2026, all featuring superior fuel efficiency and cutting-edge Japanese technology.
As Hudson stated back in 2013, “This is an ongoing effort that involves educating owners to understand that efficiencies and the environment go hand-in-hand and are good for all our businesses". It is this foresight that fuels Hudson’s Clean&Green™ methodology today and pushes Hudson to create a “win-win scenario where the environmental and commercial interests unite to everyone’s benefit”.